A Medicine Buddha Empowerment with HH. The 14th Dalai Lama
Dear Friends, I have recently received a link to a Medicine Buddha empowerment by The Dalai Lama which I would like to share with you here. I am so grateful to be able to see and share this. I remember when I first received theĀ empowerment from The Ven. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche in 1999. At that time, I think it was unusual for this to be given in public, but since then public transmissions have become the norm. Of course, it is best to receive an empowerment from a teacher with whom you really feel a connection, but any contact with Menla is good. The important point is to really delve into the practice for some time. It may not ever be your main practice, but it is especially important for our times and the more connection you make with it the more benefit you will experience. Here is the link and best wishes to you. Jim Sacamano